Friday, November 27, 2009

Abandon Blog

Am I Going to Give up writing BLOG?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Change MY LAyOuT?

What do you think about this layout???

I CurU CuRi change de ah... Because I don't have much time left to prepare my last paper... But I stiLl wanna make a little change on the layout..

Elegance? Or PremmIer?

I need a new header!!!

I KNOW there must be people who are willing to design for me...

HMMM... I think I need time to use to this amazing layout since it is still very new to me...

Got to go... Cant write too long ah... Need give a bit brain power for my study later....


HUAT LAH!!!!!!!!!! ( Like in SIngapore's movie... They like to shout thiS)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


TIME TO Turn laptop off........
So, I can concentrate on my study... prepare for the last paper...
BUt, I need 40 min per day, for nothing BUT:
If can, give me 20 more min, to make it an hour for:
HOPE I CAN DO it!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Headache ah

I headache, not because I KNOCK myself on the wall...

I headache, not because I am sick....

I headache, not because I no money....

I headache, not because of my unfinished notes...

I headache, not because unable to understand the notes...

I headache, not because MIGRAINE...

I headache, not because I AM unHEALTHY...

MOST IMPORTanTly, I headache, not because too much FACEBOOK!!!!

I believe a lot of people headache coz facebook...

Lots of ppl love it, but at the same time, they hope to shut facebook down!!!

I HEADACHE, simply because I AM GOING HOME SOON.. stupidly..

NOthing, but a FOOL

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wanna been cheated again?

It is late edi... Someone maybe already sleeping....

But I cant sleep, because of nothing!!!
But when one say nothing, there must be something right?????

Monday, November 2, 2009

A story, lovely story of mine recently