Friday, March 13, 2009


Everyone is busy with their own work... Meaning, everyone has their own problem to solve...

Then, what make someone more busy than the other 1?

All of us should be same same busy, but there is always someone more busy, or I should say don't know busy with what, then need others help to do their things....

What make someone so special to be special busy?

High post? High responsibility? Busy in entertaining people? Busy with self study(selfish)? Busy with entertainment? Busy with blogging (this is more update and advance's busy people)?

So, how to we measure busy?

Measure by the work we need to do? Or measured with the time taken to do it? Or measured with the difficulty of the task?

There ain't the exact method to measure it..

Buziness is something very that we can evaluate ourselves... All people may have their different standard of it... So try to think of others work before you think you are busy, because the world was not spin for you only...

The sun come out to shine everyone, meaning that everyone have the same amount of time in 1 day... So, everyone is given equal time to solve their problem in a day... Don't make yourself too busy. And also, even if you are busy, try to solve your own problem and don't try to add the burden to others!


MonMonsan said...

