Friday, October 3, 2008

My First Post

This is my first post...hmmm. I don't really kNow what to write about. Maybe i write something that i read from a book today. Meaningful!

"Everybody is a story. When i wad a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories. We don't do that so much anymore. Sitting sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along. The stuff that help us live a life worth remembering. Despite the awesome powers of technoligy many of us still do not live very well. We need to listen to each other's stories ince again."

"A chemist who can extract from his heart's element, compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and gorgiveness and compound them into one can create that atom which is called love.

"Life without a friend is death without a witness"

"It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to waht he is, not according to what he has."

"Three things in human life are important: The first to be kind. The second to be kind. And the thirrd is to be kind."

"Love is wonderful thing. You never have to take it away from one person to give it to another. There's always more than enough to go around."


..*AnNiE*.. said...

hey~y u use pink as ur template?it reminds me of someone..*ahem ahem*LOL

i link u up ya..c..i'm sooo suportive..=)